Whole scientific works can be written about the history of money and payments methods, evolution from a simple exchange of cows, shells, and spices to cryptocurrencies, but let's not dive too deep into the analysis of history. Just let everyone to remember when they received their salary in paper currency, probably long, long time ago… And in many countries nowadays it’s even illegal to get a cash payment, only the electronic one, this way the government can avoid spreading of a grey economy. By the way if someone reading us from the US, are you guys still using cheques?
OK, so let’s stop talking about history and macroeconomy, and let’s get back to the casino business. The Official Golden Reels Blog will explain the most popular and safe ways to deposit money on your online casino account.
So, you are either the new, or experienced player and you would like to deposit your account, but the question immediately arises, how not to lose too much on commissions and how to be sure that the money are transferred to the desired destination.
So, the first and the most obvious answer is to select and add a credit card to your account. And indeed, this option is quite good, but please keep in mind that in this case you may pay triple commission: Visa, Mastercard or American Express – commission, Bank – commission, and if you are using a different currency i.e. USD/AUD - exchange fee will be in place. Important, if you choose to add your credit card to online casino account, please verify first that this casino is legit, and scammers won’t funnel your funds away.
If you are advanced user of online payments you may chose some digital wallet like Skrill – it will gives you flexibility and better prices comparing with traditional definition of payment instruments, and for those, who feel like financial expert we would definitely recommend to use a cryptocurrency, since the latest trend of almost all cryptos is tend to grow, investing in currencies like Bitcoin, Ripple, etc may even result in your account statement growing by the fact of cryptocurrencies appreciation to the traditional ones.
We promise to dive in and explain every payment in detail by providing you with the most reliable information. So, buckle up and get ready to become a finance professional with us!
See ya soon!